You can save lives, no matter where in the world you are.

A simple donation. A few clicks on your keyboard. A message to the right person.

Everything you need to help Ukrainians in their fight for peace and freedom.

You can follow our Discord for updates and transparency of the donation process.

75% of the total income will be sent on the blockchain to the official Ukraine donation wallet, read more here:

The Ukrainian people will never forget your generosity and support at our time of greatest need.
Every single donation – no matter how small – helps us to defend and to protect Ukraine cherished freedom.

Minting Now!

Please choose one of the options you prefer to mint your Zelenskyys:


Transfer ADA to this address from the wallet you want us to mint on:

For 1 CNFT Donation send exactly 50 ADA
For 2 CNFTs Donation send exactly 100 ADA
For 3 CNFTs Donation send exactly 150 ADA
For 4 CNFTs Donation send exactly 200 ADA
For 5 CNFTs Donation send exactly 250 ADA
For 6 CNFTs Donation send exactly 300 ADA
For 7 CNFTs Donation send exactly 350 ADA
For 8 CNFTs Donation send exactly 400 ADA
For 9 CNFTs Donation send exactly 450 ADA
For 10 CNFTs Donation send exactly 500 ADA


Select how many Zelenskyys you would like to mint:

Remember, maximum of 10 CNFTs per transaction only. The only compatible wallets to send your ADA from are; Yoroi, Daedalus, CCVault, Nami wallets. Please do not try sending ADA from an exchange such as Binance, Coinbase etc. This will result in your ADA being lost.

Are you new to NFT?

What is a NFT?
What is a CNFT?
Which wallet can I use to purchase a CNFT?
How do I know that my CNFT is unique?
How can I mint a Zelenskyy CNFT?
Where can I view my CNFT after minted?

General Questions

What is the total supply?
What is the release date?
How can I be sure my ADA will go to donation?
What is the mint price?
Can I mint more than one?
Is there a whitelist available?
I have sent too much ADA, is it lost?

The Creator

Shlomo Cohen

Studied graphic design at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, displaying his works in 11 solo exhibitions all over the world and participating in a large number of group exhibitions. Shlomo won the United Nations/RANAN LURIE Political Cartoon Award and the Dosh Prize from the Tel-Aviv Municipality.